Painted poetry

aquarelles lyriques 
sur papier peint

lancons les dés de l’ instant eternité du moment présent t’ y es ni fin où début répétons éternellement l’ un après l’autre le temps passe passé futur augure absurde quelques naissances à l’ heure des tresbassés absurde inauguré leur funérailles on continue: passer au futur du temps passé l’un après l’autre éternellement répétons ni début où fin t’ y es présent du moment éternité de l’instant relançons les dés @enfantterryble

Beauty is everywhere for the one who wants to see with his heart One day beauty adopted you and stole your crazy heart So if you learn to open well the eyes of your heart your home should become every part of our little universe @enfantterryble

How can I express myself if i feel in all colours while your spoken words seem so clearly defined? No matter in which language I try to communicate I always stutter around like a junkie amazed. I feel love as a colour daydreams are rainbows thoughts are all shades. I wish I could share but my words would be chaos and I’m honestly scared you won’t care. So I wait in silence I wait for the time when my feeling alignes with your heart’s vibrance to open inside and find rhymes to your words maybe then you will see behind the curtain this heart in my eyes pulsing like waves and you will understand the unspoken burn Love. @enfantterryble

Home isn´t an ID blood nationality it´s a feeling a moment a glimpse of silent satisfaction in the corner of your heart @enfantterryble

Ta vie est la toile dont tu es peintre les couleurs ta liberté Peins! @enfantterryble

why are you still
or longing
what ‘re you
you wonder
holds you
from resting
or cuts you from belonging
It’s a voice
endlessly calling
So tempting
Its that
whole hearts awe
call it
ocean’s soul @enfantterryble

ocean’s soul
wild echo
miror of my own
an endless raving
time to cut a bound
every season
to run through my waves
my hearts
craving dreamings
turbulent stream encaged
these bones
beating brutally
to rhythms of rolling rain
a soul’s
sleepless lullaby
for sailors endless trail
listen to
that melody
to massive clueless crowds
From freackeled
so gypsy
in wind untamed so proud
At night
her soul
she tempts me
an endless whispered dance @enfantterryble

« Sand meant
to be
your tight dress
sun rest-
-less dream
more night kiss
waves of music
dancing on her own
Naked love’s
hips craving
in unchained lust
questing wilderness
End of lullaby. »

That inner child when you let be words judgements simply creativity paint just to paint dance just to free you pain intuitively you become you you can be you fly you see what I see in you Love Now- Then- Past – Forever You ARE to BE you. @enfantterryble

Words full of truth
in a world full of losts
The dust of my thoughts
feeds the lost of your feet
All these blind streps tell the tale of mankind
of these Wanderlust hosts,
on our wonderful earth:
while waves after waves
Of a quest out of ways
Washes directions away,
that wind of wise man
whispers into silence it’s trust:
the more you hold
the less you get
the time you quest
Time flys away
And you’ll be bold
from flesh to ash
a walking death.
People run
Never rest
Their quest
Never done
So take deeply
That breath
Of the moment
Just inhale
the present
And Rest
For it seems
the wonders
the questions
the air for your chest
the beauty of dreams
You are craving for
All that you won’t find outside
but in your own raving heart