Just a daydream about beauty

In the moment when a human gets captivated by beauty, he perceives, through the shades of his worries, the essence of his existence itself: a feeling of home yet wandering, of deep calm, yet firefull wonder. His existencial quest gets vaporized and a new flame appears in his dead eyes. Beauty leads us back to the essential to Connection and to Love.

Even though beauty is everywhere, it often stays hidden, as long as our heart hides itself too. Our heart so often wades through the wounds of faded past, or drowns in sorrows of a shaded future, it eyes closed for the light.

I guess Le petit prince says truth:

 » It’s only with the heart that one can see rightly – What is essential is invisible to the eye « 

So if we humans learn, step by step, to open again the eyes of our little weird heart for the beauty of today and let ourselves beeing tamed by the moment’s s sparkle. Maybe then, we will be able to perceive in every dark corner of our heart and in every part of our universe the invisible vision, that sparkle of the essential…

Because beauty is everywhere