About me

Hi there! I ´m Thérèse Laetitia, alias enfant terryble – but my weirdest friends call me Therrybert. My official roots are a mixtape of French and German, while I prefer the nationality « human ». (Maybe because after World War II and all my ancestors mutually killing each other, I am something like a fruit of peace hehe)
I guess my blood is made of salty water, and my true home place is the océan atlantique – especially the wild coast in France. But in general, I feel at home wherever a feeling of peace appears, not a material place. My goal is to find beauty everywhere so to feel home in our whole little universe.
Yes, you guess right. I was born as a helplessly Idealistic Dreamer. I´ve always dreamt of peace and love and people hugging, just as candid children do – and I can´t and won´t stop – for the risk to be naive at the end of the day.
I am on this planet since 20 years, searching the wisdom of the olds and the innocence of the youngest. Yes, I am still searching. Currently I am living and studying in Munich, Germania. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut – or an artist. My selfmade job rightnow is a mix of both: an artsy combination of an Idealist, head in the stars and a painter and writer with heart (and fingers) in bottles of colours. Most of the time you will find me spacecaking in thoughts or soulspeaking with space. I try to communicate through Intuitive Art, since i find words are often reducing the depth of soul ´s stories. And maybe also because, -as you may have realized while reading-, I have a really weird way of using words and rare are the ones who understand.

Head high in space
ocean my race
beauty the aim
weird and inflamed