Personalized items

You have a wish?
I adapt myself!
Paint your vision until it comes alive, until you feel it in your bones, until you live into it coming true – what have you been dreaming about?

I help you create you own special present/ personal painting/ drawing/ illustrated quote/ postcard-set/ shoe etc. I am glad if I can help you immortalize your dreams! 😜

You wish to offer a special and personal present to a person you love? Is there a specific flower/ animal/ motive you’d wish to offer too your brother’s wedding? A deep quote from your best friend, that should get illustrated? A vision that means a lot to you since childhood? A special moment/ memory/ place you shared with your lover you’d like to immortalize in a painting lasting beyond your death?

Here is a place even for your craziest dreams!😉

We all have deeply personal dreams and feelings in our heart. For people we met, moments we had, things we discovered. They mean a lot and we would like to express them, share about. I am convinced that dreaming is precious. Dreams need to be heard, love needs to be remembered. Sometimes, it can happen that we feel words are not enough anymore to share the depth of our dreams, the value of our love, the vastness of our emotions. So here is my offer to you:

Sometimes a silent painting shares more depth than thousand words

You have here the place to create you own special present personal painting or individual shoe design (check here about more informations about shoes): write me about your dream, your ideal painting, and I will do my best to create it while you « guide » me with it. I’d be super glad and honoured to help you immortalize what means the most to you!

Your life is a canvas – you are the artist
– choose your colours!✨

How to procide?
Check here for everything important about the planning procedures, about shipping and shopping!

Lots of love to you and never stop dreaming!❤
