You are bored to look like Mr. Everybody?

Bored to wear clean, white shoes like any other random human wandering around through the streets of the world? You wish to walk through life showing humanity a glimpse of your crazy personnality? Or you just want to be a living price of crazy Art? You are at the right perfect place!

What I offer?

I create for you the metamorphose of the white classic shoe into your individual shoe design! Garantee water resistant, permanent graphics

Goal of these personnality shoes?

You. are. not. Mr. Everybody. So why keep looking like one? I’d like to help you embrace your personanality, your weirdness, your artsy self! Let your everyday steps to university, work or the beach become an individual poem or the embodiment of your crazy boxlessness! Let us be the boxless generation creating its own painted story, sharing ART not WAR! You are inthérèsted in an individual shoe-design?

  • How to proceide?
  • Send me a message on one of my social media channels
  • choose the graphic you want to get on your feet Or
  • invent a graphic u send me …Or…
  • tell me which grafitti text you want …And…
  • tell me the size of your feet …And…
  • tell me if your are a man or a woman

What happens next?

I design your shoe and send it to you! How much? Since I will buy good quality white shoes to draw on (20€), the price would be around 40€ – hope you don’t mind – but I am poor too.

Why such weird offer?

Here is my individual theory of relativity: Normality is relative. People get drugs to feel your normal. Others get legal drugs from psychiatrists to become normal. Me and drugs, would it be para-normal then? See, makes no sense. Hiding behind the secure walls of « normality » and its superficial boxes of conventional thinking, nonsense words and castrating definitions won’t lead us towards becoming truly ourselves. Becoming human itself is a boxless path. Some intelligent philosopher-guy said once, that beeing human is the process of becoming human In beeing more than simply human. Reality is, there is no crazyguy, weirdo or boring-« normal ». These humanmade boxes are empty of depth, that’s why I am calling to the world: « let’s all embrace boxless weirdness please! »

And finally: why shoes?

I could have start designing socks, but there is too much good concurrence already. We wear shoes everyday, they follow us in all the existential steps we make through our individual path called life. So why should we all wear the same white shoes if our steps are all so individual and personal, and no life looks like another?

Personalized items

You have a wish?
I adapt myself!
Paint your vision until it comes alive, until you feel it in your bones, until you live into it coming true – what have you been dreaming about?

I help you create you own special present/ personal painting/ drawing/ illustrated quote/ postcard-set/ shoe etc. I am glad if I can help you immortalize your dreams! 😜

You wish to offer a special and personal present to a person you love? Is there a specific flower/ animal/ motive you’d wish to offer too your brother’s wedding? A deep quote from your best friend, that should get illustrated? A vision that means a lot to you since childhood? A special moment/ memory/ place you shared with your lover you’d like to immortalize in a painting lasting beyond your death?

Here is a place even for your craziest dreams!😉

We all have deeply personal dreams and feelings in our heart. For people we met, moments we had, things we discovered. They mean a lot and we would like to express them, share about. I am convinced that dreaming is precious. Dreams need to be heard, love needs to be remembered. Sometimes, it can happen that we feel words are not enough anymore to share the depth of our dreams, the value of our love, the vastness of our emotions. So here is my offer to you:

Sometimes a silent painting shares more depth than thousand words

You have here the place to create you own special present personal painting or individual shoe design (check here about more informations about shoes): write me about your dream, your ideal painting, and I will do my best to create it while you « guide » me with it. I’d be super glad and honoured to help you immortalize what means the most to you!

Your life is a canvas – you are the artist
– choose your colours!✨

How to procide?
Check here for everything important about the planning procedures, about shipping and shopping!

Lots of love to you and never stop dreaming!❤


Just a daydream about beauty

In the moment when a human gets captivated by beauty, he perceives, through the shades of his worries, the essence of his existence itself: a feeling of home yet wandering, of deep calm, yet firefull wonder. His existencial quest gets vaporized and a new flame appears in his dead eyes. Beauty leads us back to the essential to Connection and to Love.

Even though beauty is everywhere, it often stays hidden, as long as our heart hides itself too. Our heart so often wades through the wounds of faded past, or drowns in sorrows of a shaded future, it eyes closed for the light.

I guess Le petit prince says truth:

 » It’s only with the heart that one can see rightly – What is essential is invisible to the eye « 

So if we humans learn, step by step, to open again the eyes of our little weird heart for the beauty of today and let ourselves beeing tamed by the moment’s s sparkle. Maybe then, we will be able to perceive in every dark corner of our heart and in every part of our universe the invisible vision, that sparkle of the essential…

Because beauty is everywhere

About me

Hi there! I ´m Thérèse Laetitia, alias enfant terryble – but my weirdest friends call me Therrybert. My official roots are a mixtape of French and German, while I prefer the nationality « human ». (Maybe because after World War II and all my ancestors mutually killing each other, I am something like a fruit of peace hehe)
I guess my blood is made of salty water, and my true home place is the océan atlantique – especially the wild coast in France. But in general, I feel at home wherever a feeling of peace appears, not a material place. My goal is to find beauty everywhere so to feel home in our whole little universe.
Yes, you guess right. I was born as a helplessly Idealistic Dreamer. I´ve always dreamt of peace and love and people hugging, just as candid children do – and I can´t and won´t stop – for the risk to be naive at the end of the day.
I am on this planet since 20 years, searching the wisdom of the olds and the innocence of the youngest. Yes, I am still searching. Currently I am living and studying in Munich, Germania. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut – or an artist. My selfmade job rightnow is a mix of both: an artsy combination of an Idealist, head in the stars and a painter and writer with heart (and fingers) in bottles of colours. Most of the time you will find me spacecaking in thoughts or soulspeaking with space. I try to communicate through Intuitive Art, since i find words are often reducing the depth of soul ´s stories. And maybe also because, -as you may have realized while reading-, I have a really weird way of using words and rare are the ones who understand.

Head high in space
ocean my race
beauty the aim
weird and inflamed

Are you up for some shopping?

All important 
shipping and shopping
Special wishes,
personal requests
and requieries
always welcome!

Contact me through one of my social medias on Connect!

  • Send me a message with the name of the painting(s) you wish to buy (or a screenshot)
  • Add your name and adress for the shipping.
  • I will answer within 1-2 days and send you all next relevant informations!

  • For special requests:
  • You wish to offer a super personal painting-present to your best friend´s wedding or to proove to your sexy date how much you love her? (Click here for more informations on the personnalized presents)
  • Send me a message per Facebook/ Instagram/ Mail / phone-call, with the idea you’d like to visualize. (Check Connect to see my social medias)
  • describe your vision and dream (with as much details you like!)
  • I´ll text you back within 1-2 days
  • We plan together your personalized painting (size, material, colour, motive)
    • I send you my painted result
    • you tell me if you are satisfied – if not, tell me also!
    • the financial part/ shipping procedure takes place when you are satisfied with the result

PS: Don’t be scared to put in the craziest or absurdist requests or requirements, there are no limits to creativity, I love weird stuff!

  • The delivery time depends on your country – I answer within 1-2 days.