You are bored to look like Mr. Everybody?

Bored to wear clean, white shoes like any other random human wandering around through the streets of the world? You wish to walk through life showing humanity a glimpse of your crazy personnality? Or you just want to be a living price of crazy Art? You are at the right perfect place!

What I offer?

I create for you the metamorphose of the white classic shoe into your individual shoe design! Garantee water resistant, permanent graphics

Goal of these personnality shoes?

You. are. not. Mr. Everybody. So why keep looking like one? I’d like to help you embrace your personanality, your weirdness, your artsy self! Let your everyday steps to university, work or the beach become an individual poem or the embodiment of your crazy boxlessness! Let us be the boxless generation creating its own painted story, sharing ART not WAR! You are inthérèsted in an individual shoe-design?

  • How to proceide?
  • Send me a message on one of my social media channels
  • choose the graphic you want to get on your feet Or
  • invent a graphic u send me …Or…
  • tell me which grafitti text you want …And…
  • tell me the size of your feet …And…
  • tell me if your are a man or a woman

What happens next?

I design your shoe and send it to you! How much? Since I will buy good quality white shoes to draw on (20€), the price would be around 40€ – hope you don’t mind – but I am poor too.

Why such weird offer?

Here is my individual theory of relativity: Normality is relative. People get drugs to feel your normal. Others get legal drugs from psychiatrists to become normal. Me and drugs, would it be para-normal then? See, makes no sense. Hiding behind the secure walls of « normality » and its superficial boxes of conventional thinking, nonsense words and castrating definitions won’t lead us towards becoming truly ourselves. Becoming human itself is a boxless path. Some intelligent philosopher-guy said once, that beeing human is the process of becoming human In beeing more than simply human. Reality is, there is no crazyguy, weirdo or boring-« normal ». These humanmade boxes are empty of depth, that’s why I am calling to the world: « let’s all embrace boxless weirdness please! »

And finally: why shoes?

I could have start designing socks, but there is too much good concurrence already. We wear shoes everyday, they follow us in all the existential steps we make through our individual path called life. So why should we all wear the same white shoes if our steps are all so individual and personal, and no life looks like another?