Are you up for some shopping?

All important 
shipping and shopping
Special wishes,
personal requests
and requieries
always welcome!

Contact me through one of my social medias on Connect!

  • Send me a message with the name of the painting(s) you wish to buy (or a screenshot)
  • Add your name and adress for the shipping.
  • I will answer within 1-2 days and send you all next relevant informations!

  • For special requests:
  • You wish to offer a super personal painting-present to your best friend´s wedding or to proove to your sexy date how much you love her? (Click here for more informations on the personnalized presents)
  • Send me a message per Facebook/ Instagram/ Mail / phone-call, with the idea you’d like to visualize. (Check Connect to see my social medias)
  • describe your vision and dream (with as much details you like!)
  • I´ll text you back within 1-2 days
  • We plan together your personalized painting (size, material, colour, motive)
    • I send you my painted result
    • you tell me if you are satisfied – if not, tell me also!
    • the financial part/ shipping procedure takes place when you are satisfied with the result

PS: Don’t be scared to put in the craziest or absurdist requests or requirements, there are no limits to creativity, I love weird stuff!

  • The delivery time depends on your country – I answer within 1-2 days.


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