
Make Art not War – aquarelle on paper

This website depicts my latest artworks, created with a mix of passion and love. I am addicted to drawing like others are to heroin. You think I am crazy? Not so wrong. Normality is relative. Well, I would like to share about my passion with whomever wants to take a look. I see my work as part of the « Intuitive Art » section. I want to visualize personal visions and feelings that can’t be expressed through words or rational explanations.

"Let yourself become 
lived poetry"

My inspirations are the beauty of nature, with its extraordinary patterns in micro-and-macrocosmos, deephouse, spirituality, existencial impasses, human quest for love and depth and sometimes quantum physics. Drawing means to me expression of overwhelming joy, or melancholy, of love or absurdity.

Please feel free to look or to share, to dream or to shop, to get inspired or just to feel loved. You can also just take that trip with me to a world of fantasy and daydreams and get lost in space too.

Click here to discover all the products of the Gallery, or check the different art collections below