Talking in shades

« How can I express myself
if i feel in all colours
while your spoken words
seem so clearly defined?
No matter in which language
I try to communicate
I always stutter around
like a junkie amazed.
I feel love as a colour
daydreams are rainbows
toughts are all shades.
I wish I could share
but my words would be chaos
and I’m honestly scared
you wouldn’t care.
So I wait in silence
I wait for the time
when my feeling alignes
with your heart’s vibrance
to open inside
and find rhymes
to your words
maybe then you will see
behind the curtain
this heart in my eyes
pulsing like waves
and you will understand
the unspoken burn
Love » (Click here for the full painting version of this poem)

aquarelle lyrique sur papier
30 x 20 x 30 cm

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